Garrett Paving Wins NAPA’S Quality in Construction Award
Rick Garrett accepting his award at the annual NAPA Convention
Rick Garrett of Garrett Paving Company was awarded one of only ten awards given by the National Asphalt Pavement Association this year for Quality in Paving at NAPA’s annual convention.
The Larry H. Lemon Quality in Construction Award is one of the highest honors offered by NAPA. Garrett Paving Company won for work on the Sonlight Baptist Church parking lot in Colbert, GA.
The completed job at Sonlight Baptist Church
The aging 52,000- square-foot parking lot at the Sonlight Baptist Church required patching and overlay, but with the church’s tight budget restraints, Garrett Paving Company had to control costs, while providing the very best quality workmanship. The two-day job required one day of cleaning and prep work to remove old pavement that was in need of some patch work. Garrett Paving then applied a layer of 12.5mm open-graded friction course mix to a few “alligatored” areas to prevent reflective cracking, Garrett said. The second day involved overlaying a 9.5mm surface mix.
Read more about NAPA, the Larry H. Lemon Award and Garrett Paving here:
For Construction Pros: Larry H. Lemon Award Winners